Credit Churn Prediction using MLOPS(MLFLOW), Streamlit and Amazon EC2

Project Details

  1. Built an end to end data science pipeline to handle various stages of data science project. Right from Data Ingestion to Model Deployment.
  2. Built Machine learning model and streamlit web web application for Customer Credit churn predictions.
  3. Used MLFLOW for machine learning model tracking and logging.
  4. Deployed my web app on Amazon EC2 infrastructure.

Various Data Pipelines are Built for various Stages involved in my Project

  1. Data Ingestion
  2. Data Validation
  3. Data Transformation
  4. Model Training
  5. Model Evaluation

Project Architecture


Below are some of the screenshots for my streamlit web application and Amazon Ec2 Deployment.

Customer Churn Streamlit Web App streamlit-app

Machine Learning Model Tracking using MLFLOW mlflow

App Deployed on Amazon EC2 Instance: Summary ec2-streamlit

Model Deployment on Amazon EC2 app-streamlit

You can find the Project code here